Friday, July 31, 2009

Down a tooth...

This morning I had my last wisdom tooth taken out. Let me tell you, intravenous Valium is the way to go. I do not remember a thing! The novicaine they gave me is long-lasting, so its still going strong 9 hours later, just barely starting to fade. The dentist prescribed oxycodone, telling me "it'll hurt, it was a hard tooth to get out." We'll see if I need to take it.

A funny thing that happened at the dentist-- my mom had to come with me since my husband was working. So she was parking the car before our appointment while I was waiting in the dentist's office. As I am sitting there, my phone rings, and its the mail order pharmacy calling to confirm the delivery of Ovidrel for (fingers crossed!) Wednesday's trigger. I had been going back and forth with them all week and we were on a tight timeline so I had to take the call.

I should preface this by saying that my mom doesn't know about my fertility issues, I think its easier for her and I that way, although I know she'll be hurt if I do tell her in the end or if she finds out. She keeps asking me when we are going to start trying and I tell her "maybe in the winter..." HA! If she only knew the effort that was going into getting pregnant right now!

Anyway, I go into the hall to take the call, just staring at the elevator, hoping she doesn't come up just as I'm saying, "Yes, the drug is Ovidrel! Because I'm on CLOMID!" Luckily, I told her I was taking a call for work, and she seemed happy enough with that answer and went on in to the doctor's office. Potential crisis averted!!

Anyway, I'm off to watch tivo'ed episodes of Tori and Dean as my husband is still at work ; (

Here's to the weekend and solid foods in 2 days!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Its a Girl! (Just not for me...)

My good friend, J, just called me to tell me that she is having a girl. I am so happy for her, it took her over a year to get pregnant, and she is so excited about having a baby girl that I am so thrilled for her.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. Of course I am. But its nice to know that most people having trouble TTC do get pregnant one way or another!

Shopping at Lunch

So I have been trying to gain weight, I really have. I am 5'10", and I started this process at 125 lbs (size 2ish). Now I am at around 129, I'm not really sure. I have decided not to weigh myself everyday, as that is part of the problem!

Yesterday I struggled with the eating. I ate a lot but felt really gross and so full. I know its something I am going to have to deal with. I have to gain weight for my health and the health of my potential baby!! People say to add in "healthy" fats like peanut butter, nuts, avocado, etc, but I was already eating all of that. Unfortunately I think I will have to increase my portions and just feel super full.

Its funny, I always thought it was olympic gymnasts that didnt get their period! And here I am, definitely not anorexic, just someone who eats really healthy with a love of (moderate) exercise and a BMI of 18.5 -- bam, no period. So unexpected.

Getting to the point-- I desperately need a few new summer skirts and dresses for work. Banana Republic was having 30% sale today, so I walked over there at lunch. I found a great dress in a size 2. I really like the way it looks, but I realize when I gain weight it won't fit, and that got me down. And then I get mad at myself for thinking like that. Its a vicious cycle!

Why I'm doing this

I am starting this blog because I have so many thoughts in my head, and I feel like maybe this would be a good outlet for me. Party diary, part sharing.

I have spent the last 2 days reading Nico's blog (I have to figure out how to hyperlink) and I am not done with it yet. Its like a good book that you don't want to read to fast! I know this is going to be a hard road for me and its been fascinating to read about her struggles and successes. I know my writing could never be quite as witty, but I'll give it a go.

I am just getting started on this road of fertility treatments. I went off the pill in April '09, expecting to give it 6 months to get a normal cycle and start trying around my birthday 6 months later in October (get it-- DH's bday present to me would be a baby!). We were not super careful with protection but would have been thrilled if it happened early. In fact, when I didn't get my period one cycle off the pill, I didn't understand how the home pregnancy test (HPN) was negative! And we're if we're being honest, it was more like 3 HPTs...

...I should preface the next bit by saying that my sister is a doctor, so she gave me the start of an education about infertility and options available to me. The internet helped with the rest. Both have convinced me that I am young and I can afford not to skip steps in the process, as some doctors often push you to do...

So, I see my new Ob-Gyn, who wants to start unregulated Clomid but I decline, and instead ask her for a progesterone prescription, to see if I can get a withdrawal period. 10 days of progesterone felt ENDLESS -- well, you know how time crawls, if you've ever had infertility issues. Finally I get to the last pill. And wait. And wait. No period. Isn't it funny how you used to despise your period as an annoyance when you would get it? Now I would KILL for a period!

I gave the progesterone two weeks and made an appt with a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE), hereto referred to as "Dr. Fast Talker." Not because he talks so fast, but more because I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Dr. Fast Talker is nice enough, and wants to start me on Menopur, which I again decline, and ask for a low dose (50mg) of Clomid instead. He tells me that he does not think Clomid will work with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA), what I have. We do an ultrasound and he finds one 12mm folli, which means my body is doing *something.* This makes him a little more optimistic about the Clomid.

My last day of Clomid is tomorrow, and sono on Wednesday. Fingers crossed.